Sunday, October 31, 2010


I decided to draw a few of my friends and families during Raya and I was told that I can use it for my PD but I have to recreate it using illustrator. Note that this is just manually drawn and not by ilustrator.
This is my friend Keith. If plan goes, he'll be the next RP Redcross president. I'd like to wish him all the luck that he can have cos he's gonna need it :p I did draw Chauwei & CT too but while scanning, I, without realising, have sent it to Zul Adnan...

This is my elder brother who's serving the NS. My mother miss him all the time. I wish I could tell him that sometimes I miss him too :)

This is my cousin Aziq whose always teasing fat people and have not realised that he's almost as fat. My kind hearted nature stop me from telling him the ugly truth therefore I had this drawn to show him :) And btw, I always thought that he should shave as well.

My cute grandma:)

This is my bestfriend Maryam. When my mum saw this she asked, "why is Maryam so simple?" I told her, "Maryam is simple."

This is one of my good friend in class. I do not have many friends because I'm really quiet :(
She has one of the best sense of fashion.

My 2nd Pd Submission

For my 2nd PD submission, I decided to do a brochure about BMDP which is Bone Marrow Donor Programme.

However my advisor that the background colour does not suit and it looks dull. Plus the BMDP buddy that I designed inspired my the look of bone marrow looks like a seal. So I did all over again. However My advisor said that the text colour will not show up on black background.

The final one is this with red background and white text and no seal.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

mArYm's BAKERY SERIES - menu

This is the menu that I created but I realised the portion where I want to insert the image is black and the image is black. However if I change the black portion to white then the text will have lesser contrast. This means I have to change the text to black. Also my advisor said the title in black does not suit the brown and I should change it to white.

But I remembered my advisor telling me to add an image of a cup of coffee.

mArYm's BAKERY SERIES - namecard

However my original idea is to have the namecard in the shape of the cake itself. For now, I do not really know how it is gonna be printed in this shape.

mArYm's BAKERY SERIES - namecard

My best friend, Maryam have a dream to open up her own bakery shop. She is best at baking cookies, brownies, and muffins and such. I hope her dream will come true. I came out with the name of her future bakery or cafĂ© which is mArYm’s BAKERY as part of my PD.

This is her namecard but my advisor didn't think that black will suit grey at all and she said why didn't I make the name card similar to the menu. I'll show the menu later.

So I changed the text to white but I din't think it look nice.

Then I change the colour of the "muffin" but still... it looks... Maybe I should change the background instead.

Like this?

I have another image of cake.

Another Blood Drive Poster.

I created another blood drive poster for the next blood drive however due to certain issues there weren't any blood drive held. I did not use this poster for my PD. The blood buddy weren't drawn by me.

My First PD Submission.

For my 1st Portfolio Submission (PD), this is what I submitted. Just so happen, at that time there were Project Rice and Blood drive going on so I decided to create posters about them and at the same time use it as part of my porfolio. However, my Project Rice poster wasn’t used as there was already an approved poster on it.


This blog is to show the works that I've done for my portfolio development.